Dalglish: Cup wins more satisfying than League position

Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish says winning a trophy is more satisfying than finishing “fifth or sixth” in the Premier League.

Speaking ahead of Saturday’s FA Cup Final, the Scotsman said “There is an obsession with the Premier League. But there’s satisfaction from winning a cup that you don’t get from finishing fifth or sixth in the league.”

“Any competition you enter you want to do the best you possibly can in. In the league it is 38 games and at the end you finish in a position which tells you how successful it has been.

“We have already tasted a cup final this year, albeit the Carling Cup, and getting to the FA Cup final should never be under-estimated in any way.

“It is a fantastic day out for everyone and is great reward for the efforts and commitment of the players and the respect we have paid to the competition.

“The season will be assessed when it’s finished.”

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